Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just another manic Wednesday

Today's workout:

my warm up - mile run

50 wallballs (14 pounds)
40 hollow body rocks (arms by my side)
30 burpees (I f-ing hate burpees)

Time: 9:27
Skill: 2 max false grip holds (I should have done better with this but it took me too long to figure it out)

I really liked this WOD because it was mostly core, which is one of my strengths. I kept up with everyone through the wall balls and rocks, fell a little behind on the burpees and then blasted by on the tuck crunches and sit to stands. I was generally pleased with my performance. 

Lately, we have been doing quite a lot of hollow body gymnastics work at the gym which it has been incredibly helpful for me. Working on hallow body really helps you to get in the habit of engaging core muscles that need to be engaged during various movements. For example, the kip portion of a kipping pull up requires you to engage your abs at the appropriate time in order to be effective. After today's WOD I did some work on my kipping pull-up and was able to, for the first time, do two or three at a time repeatedly. I'm really excited about this because I've never been able to complete pull-ups without using a band for assistance. During future workouts, I might start trying to do the pull-ups, or some of the pull-ups, without bands. I feel confident that, with practice, I'll be able to string more of them together without stopping!! 

I am a little frustrated with myself for not doing a 3 -5 mile run today. Doing the one miler was kind of rough. I think my body was too sore and my back was too sore from the WOD yesterday to really propel myself effectively. The nice thing about crossfit is that, even if you don't run, you did still something that was pretty damn difficult!!

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