Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baseline 1 - First Attempt

Today, we did a two mile baseline run (what I like to call baseline 1....yes there will be others) with a time of 24:38:45. The idea being that we'll run it again periodically to measure our progress.Our time was def. not bad for less than a week of training (in my opinion). The course is a 2 mile loop which includes a decent downhill at the beginning and a wicked hill at the end (the last .8 miles)! We def. need to do some hill training at this point and maybe some upper body as well. Perhaps over the next few days. I expect that we can shave a few minutes off that time pretty easily, but we'll see. It's a difficult baseline, so progress might be a little slower than it would be on a flat course.

I'm looking forward to the firecracker 4k next week. I also just remembered there is a triathlon in Hollidaysburg on August 4th. It would be my first tri. I think I'm gonna do it!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Inaugural Post

The blog is created! We can use this to track our progress as we train for the Hershey Half Marathon. I figure we can post interesting articles, pertinent information, and questions. We can also use this blog to hold each other accountable for the food we eat and the choice to exercise. I am of the opinion that we should both try and add a post each day detailing the daily workout and food intake (or those of the previous day). More tips on the types of data to record in a running log can be found here.

As for the blog itself, the right hand side has a list of upcoming events. This can be edited regularly to include fun races and such. Above is a countdown to the Hershey half to remind us why we are subjecting ourselves to so much pain and suffering!!

If there is anything else that should be added that might help it to better serve it's purpose, don't hesitate to make any changes.

